New Jersey City of Bayonne Directory on CD for the year 1899
A General Directory of the Residents of the City of Bayonne
Including a Complete Business Directory


  • Are you working on your Family History which has ancestors or relatives who lived in the City of Bayonne but you can not locate what address they lived at circa 1899 ? You will be able to locate addresses of residence and businesses that once existed in 1899 in Bayonne.

  • Have you heard that an Uncle or other family member of yours used to own a business in Bayonne but never knew where it was located?
    You can locate not only business addresses but also the home address of the business proprietors with this city directory of Bayonne for 1899. It not only lists businesses in Bayonne, but there are ads for businesses in Jersey City, Newark and other surrounding areas.
  • Ever wonder where John Street was located or where Neuvy place is in the City of Bayonne in 1899 ?
    This city directory even has a street directory to help you locate some of these hard to find place. This makes a great tool to use with our Bayonne Maps on CD which is also available.
  • Ever wondered if your ancestors had other family member living with them, upstairs or even right next door like so many families did in the past.
    You can easily locate families by surname (last names). The city directory is in alphabetical order and makes it a breeze to find names by flipping through the images and not having to deal with pages that stick together or are missing from old copies of city directories at your local libraries.
  • Are you interested in the churches that were in Bayonne in 1899 ?
    This city directory has a separate listing for the churches of the time along with their addresses. You can even tell where some of the current churches used to be located in 1899. Did you know that St. Henry's was located at one time on Broadway near 26th Street.
  • Would you like to know who was the Chief Engineer of the Bayonne Fire Department in 1899?
    This city directory not only lists who the Chief, First and Second Engineers were, but also lists where the ten Engine Companies were located.
  • Are you interested in who the city officials were in 1899 for the City of Bayonne?
    This directory lists officials such as council members, board of education members, mayor, board of health officials  and even police department chief, sergeants, detectives  and more.

  • Think you know all about Bayonnes' past? 
    Not unless you studied the 1899 City Directory of the City of Bayonne ! !

  • This city directory also lists clubs, incorporated companies, post office locations, secret and benevolent societies, building and halls, cemeteries, undertakers, along with all businesses like grocers, stables, saloons, undertakers, nurses, midwives and many more.

  • There are many things you can learn of the history of Bayonne from viewing this city directory. This is an invaluable tool for anyone learning the history of Bayonne.
This CD contains a PDF (portable document file) file which can be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from the web site free of charge if you do not already have it on your computer. The PDF file contains the images of the 1899 Bayonne City Directory published by the Wand Company of New York. The images that are contained in the PDF file were produced from the original jpeg format files and the image sizes were 10 inches by 17 inches in size. The pages can easily be read if they are printed on 8" X 11" paper, if you would like paper copies of them. There are over 280 images contained in the PDF file. We do not guarantee you will find any particular person, place or piece of information within the city directory as there is no guarantee to the accuracy of the Wand Company's work. We are only providing the Wands Company publication of the City of Bayonne Directory  in digitized format.

sample image not actual size of images

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